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Speedwerks interviews Joy Green with Hall-Dawson CASA 

Speedwerks’ Kaley: I’m here at Atlanta Speedwerks today with Joy Green and she is the  development specialist at Casa. You are looking for partners? 

CASA Joy Green: That’s exactly right. We are a nonprofit here in Hall and Dawson County.  We are always looking for partners in our community who want to help support the  important work that we do. We have depended largely, as many nonprofits have in the  past, on grant funding, and that is precarious and oftentimes not reliable.  

Speedwerks’ Kaley: How many children are there in foster care? 

CASA Joy Green: Last year we served 350 children in Hall and Dawson County through our  program. That’s only about 60% of the children who need us. So that number is actually  much higher than that.  

Speedwerks’ Kaley: What would you say to people who are just considering giving and just  supporting resources? 

CASA Joy Green: This is an opportunity to have a generational change, and generational  impact. The children that we’re serving in our community that are dealing with sometimes  unimaginable circumstances, they’re going to grow up here in our community. So it’s really  important that we help them find the resources to be healthy, and to have healthy families so that they can grow up and be healthy contributors too. 

Speedwerks’ Kaley: Anyone who also feels just really inclined to give, hearing this  message: I would hope that you could check out the CASA website and you can inquire  there about more information. Also you can make a donation. 

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