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Speedwerks interviews Tracy Verrigni with Hall-Dawson CASA.

Speedwerks’ Kaley: Tracy Verrigni – It is so nice to meet you. You work at Casa, which is the  court appointed special advocates for Hall and Dawson County. Is that right?  

CASA Tracy: That’s correct.  

Speedwerks’ Kaley: And so you are the recruitment and training coordinator. That’s an  important role. I know that Casa is just a fabulous organization. We’re so blessed to have  you in Gainesville. But today I really wanted to talk about your role with volunteering. Can  you tell me a little bit about those needs?  

CASA Tracy: Absolutely. We have a great need in our community to help us advocate for  children who are experiencing foster care within our program. Right now, we are serving  approximately 60% of the children who are in foster care due to abuse or neglect, which  leaves the door open for another 40% of children who are not receiving benefit of our CASA  

volunteer who looks out for their best interest in work system. That’s just things are and there’s a big need for volunteers. I know we have some large counties in Hall and Dawson. 

Speedwerks’ Kaley: What does that mean as far as time commitment for someone to  volunteer? What does that look like? 

CASA Tracy: Great questions, probably my number one questions that I get. I will tell you it  is less than 10 hours a month, and all you need to have is a little flexibility in your schedule. But we have people who work full time, part time, people who are stay at home moms and  dads, husband/wife teams, as well as other people who vow 10 hours a month. I feel like  

that is doable even if you have a job.  

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